The next Moseley Forum meeting is on Tuesday 24th October 2023 with the main theme on Crime & Policing in Moseley. It is an Open Meeting for all those who live, work or trade in Moseley.
Crime & Policing is a hot topic for many residents and businesses and this is an opportunity to highlight our key concerns to West midlands Police so they can help us to feel safer.
On the agenda we have updates from police and related spokespeople. There will also be an update on the Moseley PSPO (Public Space Protection Order) which is intended to help tackle anti-social behaviour locally.
1 | Welcome Register of attendance, apologies & conflicts of interest Privacy Statement |
2 | Minutes of previous meeting Committee meeting 5th September ‘23 |
3 | Introduction to Guests: Neil Kirkpatrick West Midlands Police Local Inspector Chris Gallon West Midlands Police Local Sargent Simon Foster West Midlands Police Crime and Policing Commissioner Representative Birmingham City Council Community Safety Partnership |
Opening Remarks | |
Tabled Questions on; 1) Anti-social behaviour including the PSPO 2) Anti-social behaviour with regards to Motoring 3) Speeding 4) Parking 5) Crime in general 6) Visibility of Policing | |
Questions from the Floor | |
4 | Closing Remarks |
5 | Thanks |
6 | Matters for the urgent attention of Moseley Forum |
7 | AOB |
8 | Meeting close |
All meetings
If you have a question to put to the presenters please email this to us at
If you have any issues you wish to bring to the meeting under Any Other Business please also email them to us.