Moseley Community Groups submit final submission to LGBCE on their draft recommendations for new Moseley Ward

Attached below are the final submissions in response to the Local Government Boundary Commission for England’s (LGBCE) revised recommendations creating a new Moseley Ward. A huge thank you is extended to all who contributed to collating this information.

Appendix for Anderton Park Residents’ Group submission could not be uploaded, but if you would like to receive a copy, please email

We anticipate a final announcement from the LGBCE in September 2016.

Attachment Size
LGBCE Birmingham Moseley Ward submission by the Moseley Community Groups 19 June 2016 1.02 MB
Appendix 1 Moseley submission showing areas of concern 5.68 MB
Appendix 2 Map of East Boundary changes supported by Lower Wake Green Road and Sarehole Residents Groups 427.86 KB
Appendix 3 Submission by the Lower Wake Green Road Residents group and survey evidence to support our joint proposals 340.46 KB
Appendix 4 Submission by the Sarehole Residents Group and Survey Evidance to support our joint proposals 98.17 KB
Appendix 5 Photographic evidence for community cohesion of the Sarehole area 487.32 KB
Appendix 6 Map of Northern section of proposed Moseley Ward boundary with Balsall Heath 779.22 KB
Appendix 8 Electoral figures of the Moseley Communities Proposed Moseley Ward 228.03 KB


Submitted by Rob Kewley on Thu, 23/06/2016 – 22:39

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